Sep 04, 2019

A Deep Dive Into Samsung's TrustZone (Part 1) TrustZone, a TEE implemented by ARM, will be explained in detail in the following sections. In the meantime, an overview of the evolution of system-wide protections can be found in the figure below. Existing TEEs. Several kinds of TEEs can be found on the market, but they can be divided into two categories given below. Arm TrustZone explained - Dec 28, 2017 TrustZone "TEE" tech ported to Raspberry Pi 3 The Sequitur Labs port of Linaro’s OP-TEE environment to the Raspberry Pi 3 aims to encourage prototyping of ARM TrustZone hardware security on IoT devices. Linaro’s three-year old OP-TEE open source port of the TEE (Trusted Execution Environment) for ARM TrustZone security is now available on the lowest-cost platform yet: the Raspberry Pi 3 .

vTZ: Virtualizing ARM TrustZone - USENIX

The ANDIX research OS - ARM TrustZone meets industrial control systems security. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics. 88--93. Google Scholar; T. Frenzel, A. Lackorzynski, A. Warg, and H. Härtig. 2010. ARM trustzone as … Penglai/蓬莱 Enclave

vTZ: Virtualizing ARM TrustZone | USENIX

Presentations — OP-TEE documentation documentation LAS16-111 - Easing Access to ARM TrustZone OP TEE and Raspberry Pi 3 (slides, video) BKK16. BKK16-201 - PlayReady OP-TEE Integration with Secure Video Path (slides, video) BKK16-110 - A Gentle Introduction to Trusted Execution and OP-TEE SFO15. SFO15-503 - Secure storage in OP-TEE … Survey on trusted execution environment (TEE) TEE is essential to computing system’s security. The community has built solid foundation with TPM, and then moves forward to propose various TEE solutions that are more practical, reliable and flexible. The existing TEE solutions have various pros and cons, and the technologies can be combined to form better solutions, just like The Road to Qualcomm TrustZone Apps Fuzzing - Check Point Nov 14, 2019