In fact, the growing popularity of Linux is making the OS an increasingly popular target among malicious hackers. Thus, it never hurts to add a layer of privacy in the form of file and disk encryption. File and disk encryption makes your data unreadable and unusable even if your computer does get hacked.

Tools like TrueCrypt and VeraCrypt are used to encrypt hard drives and partitions but these aren’t efficient for general file or document encryption. GPG is a free and easy-to-use tool that can be used to encrypt secret files using secure asymmetric encryption which cannot be easily brute-forced. Jul 24, 2020 · With FDE, even though the drive is removed from the current computer and put into other devices, the drive data is still inaccessible if without a correct key. So let’s take a look at the Top 5 Disk and File Encryption Tools for Linux. Top 5 Disk and File Encryption Tools for Linux. CryFS; Cryptmount; Cryptsetup; eCryptfs; EncFSMP; CryFS Encryption means, of course, that a file that you can look at with Linux commands and tools is altered in ways that make it unusable and unreadable unless you reverse the encryption process.

Jan 29, 2020

10 Best File and Disk Encryption Tools for Linux

Linux: HowTo Encrypt And Decrypt Files With A Password

Alternatives to File Encryption. Before we dive deeper into file encryption, let’s consider the alternatives and see if the file encryption is suitable for your needs. Sensitive data can be encrypted on different levels of granularity: full disk encryption, filesystem-level, database level and application level.