Changing umask values permanently. Linux is a multiuser network operating system where same Shell is being accessed by several users. To provide a customized version

linux - Command to change the default home directory of a From Linux Change Default User Home Directory While Adding A New User: Simply open this file using a text editor, type: vi /etc/default/useradd The default home directory defined by HOME variable, find line that read as follows: HOME=/home Replace with: HOME=/iscsi/user Save and close the file. Now you can add user using regular useradd command: Changing The Time Zone In Linux (Command Line) Jul 30, 2012

Configure SQL Server settings on Linux - SQL Server

cd command in Linux/Unix cd is a Linux command to change the directory/folder of the terminal's shell. You can press the tab button in order to auto complete the directory name. Configure SQL Server settings on Linux - SQL Server mssql-conf is a configuration script that installs with SQL Server 2017 for Red Hat Enterprise Linux, SUSE Linux Enterprise Server, and Ubuntu. It modifies the mssql.conf file where configuration values are stored. You can use mssql-conf utility to set the following parameters:

Feb 17, 2020 · So I'm making a shell script that basically gets a file count in a directory and if that count exceeds x count then delete x count of files It works great out of current directory but I need it to execute on specified directory defined in script. Currently it looks something like this

Oct 16, 2018 · Change python version on per user basis To change a python version on per user basis you simply create an alias within user's home directory. Open ~/.bashrc file and add new alias to change your default python executable: Jan 04, 2017 · The Linux I/O scheduler controls the way the kernel commits read and writes to disk. Since the 2.6 kernel, administrators have been able to change the scheduler, so they can customize their